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Our Projects

One of the current projects is :

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Why would such a good God allow so many bad things to happen?”

The reason people ask this question is because within each and every one of us is the inherent, instinctual understanding of right and wrong, a perception of the optimal design of society and morality, of equity or injustice.

What if you could end all crime with the push of a button? If someone showed up at your doorstep and asked, “If you could wipe out all the terrorists in the world by installing an app on your phone, pushing a button, would you do it?” You may ask what the price or catch was. “You only need to kill one baby.” Now would you do it? The question of course becomes subject to a Deontological debate, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs,” and so on.